Adjusting the Home for Older Family Members

elderly people

As our loved ones age, we may find ourselves in the position of needing to make some adjustments to our home in order to accommodate their needs. This may include installing grab bars in the bathroom, adding a ramp to the front porch, or widening doorways. Making these small changes can help to ensure that our loved ones can live safely and comfortably in their own home for as long as possible.

1. Talk to your family members about their needs.

Your first step should be to talk to your family members about their needs and what changes they would like to see made. This can help to get the ball rolling and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Ask them about their current abilities and what limitations they are experiencing. This will help you to identify the specific changes that need to be made.

2. Research the best options for your family members.

Once you have a general idea of the changes that need to be made, it is time to do some research on the best options available. This may include looking into home health care services, accessible housing, or mobility aids. Talk to your family members about what they are comfortable with and what would be the best fit for them.

3. Assess your home for potential hazards.

Once you have an idea of what changes should be made, you’ll need to assess your home for potential hazards. This includes checking for things like trip hazards, steep staircases, and cluttered areas. You want to put yourself in their shoes while scouting your home for these dangers. Identifying and addressing these hazards can help to keep your loved ones safe while they are living in your home.

4. Make the necessary changes gradually.

Making big changes all at once can be overwhelming for both you and your family members. It is often best to make the changes gradually, over time. This will give everyone a chance to adjust and get used to the new changes. It will also help to minimize the stress that comes with big changes. If you will be remodeling the home for their comfort, do it one room at a time to help them adjust slowly but surely.

5. Adjust the outdoor space as well.

The outdoor space can also be adapted to accommodate the needs of your loved ones. This may include adding a ramp to the porch, installing a wheelchair-accessible path, or creating a garden that is easy to access. The more accessible your backyard is, the easier it will be for your family members to enjoy spending time outdoors.

6. Consult with their doctor.

nurse and elderly woman

Before making any big changes to your home, it is important to consult with your loved ones’ doctor. They may have some specific suggestions or recommendations that will help to ensure that your loved ones are safe and comfortable in their home environment. They may also refer you to suppliers and contractors that specialize in home installments for elderly folks.

7. Clean up any clutter.

Clutter can be a major hazard for seniors, as it can lead to trips and falls. Cleaning up your home and getting rid of any unnecessary clutter can help to minimize this risk. If necessary, ask family members and friends to help you out with this task. If you live with kids, explain to them the importance of cleaning their messes. If you live with a pet, on the other hand, try to keep their toys and food bowls organized to avoid any potential hazards.

8. Make your home smell good.

One other way to make your home more comfortable for seniors is to make sure it smells good. This can be done by using air fresheners, scented candles, or potpourri. The smell of fresh-baked cookies or apple pie can help to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your loved ones.

9. Take care of yourself, too.

Making changes to accommodate your loved ones can be a lot of work. Make sure to take some time for yourself, too. This can include things like taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk, or reading a good book. Taking care of yourself will help you to stay energized and focused on the task at hand.

Making small changes to your home can help to make life easier for your loved ones as they age. Talk to your family members about their needs and research the best options available to you. Assess your home for potential hazards and make the necessary changes gradually. Adjust the outdoor space to accommodate their needs and consult with their doctor. Clean up any clutter and get organized. Take care of yourself, too, to stay energized and focused. With these tips, you can create a home that is safe and comfortable for your loved ones as they age.

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