Digital Wellness

car key

Thing To Settle Before Lending Company Cars to Employees

Apr 2, 20235 min read

Understand the purpose and intended use of the car before lending it to an employee. Add safety features like a GPS tracker, car alarm system, steering wheel lock, and a dashboard camera for security. Make…

happy family

Family Health: A Key Factor in Shaping the Future of Communities

Apr 1, 20235 min read

Family health significantly impacts a community’s collective health, productivity, economy, and social interactions. Positive emotional health within families creates self-esteem and better conflict resolution. Access to quality healthcare for individuals is necessary for overall well-being.…


Using Data To Easily Track Business Performance

Mar 25, 20235 min read

Consolidate all data points into a comprehensive dashboard for easy tracking of business performance.  Utilize data analytics tools to identify patterns, trends, and customer behavior.  Monitor financial health, logistics, and risk assessment using data analysis. …


Budget-friendly Gadgets for Aspiring Filmmakers

Mar 21, 20235 min read

• External microphones offer high-quality audio while staying within budget. You can find shotgun and lavalier mics for a variety of budgets. • Smartphone filming rigs provide greater stability and allow for professional-looking results. Look…

Heart disease man

Most Common Chronic Diseases in the U.S.

Mar 17, 20236 min read

• Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, and risk factors include high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. • Cancer is the second most common chronic illness, with…

a woman closing her eyes

Living with Low Vision: Coping Strategies and Treatments

Mar 14, 20235 min read

Consider surgical options, such as cataract surgery, refractive surgery, and implantable devices to improve vision.  Utilize assistive technologies like low vision aids, adaptive lighting, and audio aids.  Plan ahead by mapping out routes beforehand and…